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New Jersey Age Discrimination Attorney

New Jersey Age Discrimination AttorneyNew Jersey Age Discrimination Attorney

Age-Related Discrimination In The Workplace Lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ, Defends the Rights of Older Workers Who Have Suffered Adverse Employment Decisions in Camden County, Atlantic County, Burlington County, Gloucester County, and Throughout South Jersey

Laws such as the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination prohibit employers from discriminating against or harassing workers on the basis of age. Employers may not refuse to hire or promote older workers, pressure older workers into retiring, or intentionally select older workers for layoffs. If you have been discriminated against by an employer or prospective employer due to your age or if you have been harassed at work because of your age, you deserve to seek justice and compensation for the emotional harm and financial loss you have suffered. Let New Jersey age discrimination attorney William Riback help. For nearly 30 years, William Riback has built a reputation for first-rate advocacy skills that he uses to fight in state and federal courts for the rights of hardworking people. His peers have recognized him for his diligent legal research and honest, straightforward communication.

After you have been harassed or discriminated against at work due to your age, you deserve experienced legal representation to help you stand up for your rights and demand accountability and justice. Contact The RIback Law Office today for a free initial case evaluation to discuss your legal options with an age-related discrimination in the workplace lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ.

What Constitutes Age Discrimination or Harassment?

Age discrimination involves taking an adverse employment action against a worker due to the worker’s age or treating similarly situated workers differently from one another based solely on the workers’ ages. Examples of conduct that can constitute age discrimination include:

  • Exclusively hiring younger workers or having a preference for younger workers in hiring
  • Terminating workers once they reach a certain age
  • Overwhelmingly selecting older workers during a layoff
  • Refusing to promote older workers
  • Refusing to provide training or favorable work assignments to older workers
  • Transferring workers in certain age groups to unfavorable roles or workplace assignments
  • Pressuring older workers to retire

Age harassment involves offensive jokes, offensive pictures, slurs, intimidation, insults/put-downs, or ridicule/mockery of workers in a particular age group. This conduct can become harassment when it either becomes a condition of employment or is severe and pervasive enough that a reasonable person would find it abusive, intimidating, or hostile. For example, age harassment may involve repeatedly making offensive jokes about older people or ridiculing an older worker’s performance or skills as inadequate due to their age.

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Let a New Jersey Age Discrimination Attorney from The Riback Law Office Advocate for Your Interests If You Have Suffered Discrimination or Harassment at Work

Employers will rarely admit to engaging in age discrimination or harassment. They may claim that an adverse employment action, such as failing to hire or promote a worker or terminating a worker’s employment, was based on non-discriminatory reasons such as worker performance or misconduct. You need experienced legal counsel to help you obtain the evidence and develop the arguments necessary to succeed in your age discrimination or harassment claim. When you turn to an age-related discrimination in the workplace lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ, from The Riback Law Office, you can expect diligent legal representation that includes;

  • Thoroughly investigating your claims to recover all available evidence of discrimination or harassment, including hiring/firing/disciplinary records and statistics, emails and text messages, copies of your performance reviews, and witness testimony
  • Crafting a sound case strategy designed to achieve the results and relief you want in your case, such as obtaining financial compensation or reinstatement to a position you were wrongfully terminated from
  • Calculating your financial and personal losses, including back and forward wages, lost job benefits, and emotional distress
  • Ensuring the timely filing of your discrimination/harassment claim with the EEOC or NJ DCR or in court
  • Vigorously fighting for the best possible outcome for your case, whether in a negotiated settlement, an administrative claim, or at trial

Schedule A Confidential Consultation With An Experienced Employment Law Attorney – Call 800-610-4083 Or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.

You should not have to suffer harassment at work or adverse employment action because of your age. Contact a New Jersey age discrimination attorney at The Riback Law Office for a free, no-obligation claim evaluation to learn more about how attorney Riback can help you stand up for your rights and hold your employer accountable for the age-related discrimination or harassment you’ve suffered.

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