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The Best TED Talks on Leadership

The Best TED Talks on LeadershipThe Best TED Talks on Leadership

For many years TED Talks have pushed people and inspired them to do make changes in their lives. Rather than picking up a book, you can tune in and listen to speakers share their experiences and words of advice. If you’re looking to be a better leader or just need a little push, then consider watching some of the best TED Talks on leadership.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek has reeled over 29 million views with his inspiring talk about being the best leader you can be. Sinek describes the difference between inspirational leaders and others as that they start with “why,” which is the central concept of his Golden Circle. When leaders ask why, how, and what, they set themselves apart from others. Take a listen to learn more about leadership and Sinek’s Golden Circle idea, which he considers the world’s simplest idea.

The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding, by John Wooden

John Wooden, also known as “Coach,” shares that you have to determine what you define as success to be a successful leader. Coach Wooden believes that success is more than just winning. Take a listen and be inspired by his words that urge leaders to strive for greatness within themselves to help them lead others.

What Make Us Feel Good About Our Work? By Dan Airely

Behavioral economist Dan Airley shares his understanding of human motivation that is deeper than others can imagine. His TED Talk focuses on experiments he designed to solve the mystery around motivation. Some may think that money is the one thing that motivates people to work, but Airley shares how progress and leading a life of purpose is the real motivation. This talk is perfect for any leader who is looking for a reason to get out of bed every morning and make a change.

Lead Like The Great Conductors, by Itay Talgam

Itay Talgam based his talk on leadership is similar to conducting an orchestra. With this metaphor, he describes what leaders can learn from six conductors from the 20th century. Talgam compares conductors turning chaos into beautiful music to leaders revolving around their leadership style in the workplace. If classical music isn’t your thing, don’t worry because this talk can help all leaders gain new skills.

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